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  1. Saline solution, for flushing debris from the eyes.

  2. Antibiotic ointments such as Polysporin or Neosporin, to apply to healing wounds.

  3. Iodine such as Betadine solution, for applying to and washing fresh cuts and wounds.

  4. Sterile gloves

  5. Digital thermometer and lubricant, (if you don’t know how to take your dogs temperature ask your vet to teach you).

  6. Flat slanted tweezers, magnifying glass, non-looking hemostat

  7. Q-tips

  8. Clotting agent, such as Superclot (which also numbs pain), or styptic gel or powder, used to induce clotting.

  9. Benadryl, for allergic reactions. Dosage is usually around 1 milligram per pound (check with your vet)

  10. Tick remover

  11. Antiseptic wash, to keep abrasions and other minor surface wounds clean as they heal.

  12. Alcohol wipes, to take on the go in case of scratches and scrapes.

  13. Sterile gauze rolls – these can cause more harm than good if used improperly, only use in emergencies, and always wrap loosely. My vet says that the most common mistakes people make is to wrap the gauze to tightly, which can be uncomfortable and even dangerous for the patient.  I get my supplies at . The 3 M Vetrap 4 X 5 yard roll is a great deal.

  14. Medical scissors, for cutting bandages

  15. Sterile gauze pads.

  16. Cotton balls.

  17. A soft muzzle is good to have in case of emergencies, to help calm a dog in duress and protect people from bites.

  18. Hydrogen Peroxide, which is used to induce vomiting. The ASPCA recommended dosage is 1 tsp. per 5 lbs., never exceeding 3 Tbsp. Check with your vet for correct dosage, or if necessary, call an emergency vet if you are unsure.

  19. Foldable comfortable recovery collar to prevent dog from chewing and scratching wounds and irritations. (I recommend a boobooloon)

  20. 2 small instant cold pack
















  1. Portable water dispenser

  2. Vaccination papers (just a copy will do)

  3. Towel

  4. Waste bags

  5. Crate

  6. Crate bowls

  7. Crate bed

  8. Treat bag with dry treats (preferably homemade by you)

  9. One versatile toy that can be stuffed with peanut butter

  10. Kibble in travel bag

  11. Dehydrated or canned pumpkin (for digestion)

  12. Portable food and water bowl

  13. Travel containers of dog shampoo and accident cleaner

  14. Dog medical kit


Certain items on the list are obvious, such as dog food and waste bags. Some items are extremely useful, yet surprisingly overlooked, such as a towel (a must) and vaccination papers, (just a copy) Other items I have learned to pack from years of experience, most notably, dried or canned pumpkin, which is amazing for stabilizing your dogs digestion (just like us, dogs can get irritated stomachs when traveling). My Emma loves to travel, and ride in the car, and she does quite well. But on occasion when we have gone somewhere and the water didn’t set right with her, the pumpkin was a godsend.

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